
Building Over Sewers

It is common that a new house or addition will be over or adjacent to a sewer. The Sydney Water rules around this are always changing. But typically when building over the sewer, concrete encasement is required as is piering below the “zone of influence”.

Timber Framing

Timber framing is typically designed and supplied by a Timber Framing Contractor or Frame and Truss company to the Australian Standard AS1684 Residential Timber Framed Construction. This is particularly the case with new house construction.

Waffle Slabs

Most houses in Australia are typically built with either a timber floor built off the ground with the required clearance or a concrete slab on ground or “Raft Slab”. Concrete slabs on ground are becoming the more common type of construction especially in the new sub-divisions which are flat sites. Although sloping sites can be accommodated for with slab on ground construction.

Retaining Walls

At Gilcon, we have designed countless retaining walls of various constructs at highly competitive prices. Retaining walls come in various forms, with the most common being besser block (concrete block) retaining walls. These come as hollow concrete blocks that are then reinforced with steel lapping into the footing, and finally core filled with concrete.

Waffle Slabs

Most houses in Australia are typically built with either a timber floor built off the ground with the required clearance or a concrete slab on ground or “Raft Slab”. Concrete slabs on ground are becoming the more common type of construction especially in the new sub-divisions which are flat sites. Although sloping sites can be accommodated for with slab on ground construction.

Retaining Walls

At Gilcon, we have designed countless retaining walls of various constructs at highly competitive prices. Retaining walls come in various forms, with the most common being besser block (concrete block) retaining walls. These come as hollow concrete blocks that are then reinforced with steel lapping into the footing, and finally core filled with concrete.

On-Site Detention Systems

Many properties (residential, commercial or industrial) will require on-site detention systems (OSD’s) to relieve council drainage systems of pressure during times of peak flow. The guidelines for OSD requirements, design and methodology are subject to the varying standards set out by different councils.

Charged Lines & Absorption Trench Systems

Rear sloping sites pose hydraulic issues for appropriate disposal of stormwater. In some instances, a charged line can carry sufficient energy from the eaves gutters to the outlet on the kerb. Given the nature of the charged line, council’s may require a hydraulic grade line (HGL) analysis depicting satisfactory use of this method.

Flood Certificates, Studies & Reports

Many sites can be subject to flood related development controls. This is typically due to the site lying within a floodplain or an overland flow path. In most cases, Council will have conducted large scale flood studies to have already obtained flood levels during critical events which typically include the 100-year flood level.

Vehicular Crossing & Driveways

When proposing a new driveway, council may request for an engineers’ plan showing the layout, geometry and construction of the driveway. The most important consideration is the driveway geometry. In general, driveways are designed so that the physical layout of the driveway can accommodate for the movement of a B85 vehicle (85th percentile vehicle – i.e. Ford Falcon) without any issues.

Mortar Scratch Testing

Mortar is the bonding material between building materials such as brickwork and stone. It consists of a mixture of cement, aggregate and water with additives such as lime added to the mixture in order to increase/improve the plasticity and workability of the mortar.