Vehicular Crossing & Driveways
Vehicular Crossing & Driveways
Vehicular Crossing & Driveways
Vehicular Crossing & Driveways

Vehicular Crossing & Driveways

When proposing a new driveway, council may request for an engineers’ plan showing the layout, geometry and construction of the driveway. The most important consideration is the driveway geometry. In general, driveways are designed so that the physical layout of the driveway can accommodate for the movement of a B85 vehicle (85th percentile vehicle – i.e. Ford Falcon) without any issues. The predominant issue being the underside scrapping of vehicles as it crosses sections of changing grades. Our plans start from roughly $450 + GST and vary depending on the complexity of the driveway. Our plans will provide the layout, profile (driveway long section with grades and levels) as well as structural/construction details for the pavement itself. 

Contact Gilcon for a quote.